moxie |ˈmäksē| noun informal
force of character, determination, or nerve.
I feel like this word has really supported throughout 2015. Especially in areas where I would typically back out or back down. Fear is something that constantly walks before me. I feel like this year I have been able to overcome fear in many areas of my life.
For 2016 I have chosen the word "Rooted". I know it's not a beautiful word. But it is a strong word. I feel like this year I have so much on my plate. Between classes for my Holy Yoga certification, moving into a new home, homeschooling my oldest, sharing my Young Living business and all my other regular activities, I feel like it would be easy to fall apart. I feel like I am not capable to juggle all of these things without dropping the ball somewhere.
This is WHY I have chosen the word "rooted". In order for me to balance all of these things in my life, I need to be grounded. Just like in yoga, when you are standing and trying to do a balance pose you are always supposed to root your feet into the ground. Make a solid and strong foundation before moving into the pose. If you don't, you will lose balance and fall out of your pose. First I need to stay rooted in God's Word. I need to listen to His voice and spend time with Him. He is my biggest fan and He believes in me more than anyone else. Sometimes the voice of doubt can speak so loudly inside our head, causing to become discouraged, to lose balance. So first I must stay rooted in my relationship with God. Second, I need to stay rooted in my marriage. My husband is amazing. He is always willing to help me out and he is probably my second biggest fan. It is so easy to get busy and overwhelmed and end up taking things out on those that we love. I don't want my marriage to suffer because I am pursuing my calling. I need to keep the lines of communication open and stay rooted in my marriage. Third, I must stay rooted as a Mother. I have 4 kids and it is so easy to tell them "not right now, I am too busy". My kids are everything to me and I do not want to lose their hearts. I need to stay rooted as a Mother and listen and tend to the needs of my children. Fourth, I need to stay rooted in the moment. I know that for me I can let the voices of my past discourage me. If I think about all that is to come I may panic and step back into fear. Plus, I need to enjoy the present. I need to be thankful for the now because I am not promised a tomorrow.
“I'm planting a tree to teach me to gather strength from my deepest roots.”
― Andrea Koehle Jones, The Wish Trees
For 2016 I have chosen the word "Rooted". I know it's not a beautiful word. But it is a strong word. I feel like this year I have so much on my plate. Between classes for my Holy Yoga certification, moving into a new home, homeschooling my oldest, sharing my Young Living business and all my other regular activities, I feel like it would be easy to fall apart. I feel like I am not capable to juggle all of these things without dropping the ball somewhere.
This is WHY I have chosen the word "rooted". In order for me to balance all of these things in my life, I need to be grounded. Just like in yoga, when you are standing and trying to do a balance pose you are always supposed to root your feet into the ground. Make a solid and strong foundation before moving into the pose. If you don't, you will lose balance and fall out of your pose. First I need to stay rooted in God's Word. I need to listen to His voice and spend time with Him. He is my biggest fan and He believes in me more than anyone else. Sometimes the voice of doubt can speak so loudly inside our head, causing to become discouraged, to lose balance. So first I must stay rooted in my relationship with God. Second, I need to stay rooted in my marriage. My husband is amazing. He is always willing to help me out and he is probably my second biggest fan. It is so easy to get busy and overwhelmed and end up taking things out on those that we love. I don't want my marriage to suffer because I am pursuing my calling. I need to keep the lines of communication open and stay rooted in my marriage. Third, I must stay rooted as a Mother. I have 4 kids and it is so easy to tell them "not right now, I am too busy". My kids are everything to me and I do not want to lose their hearts. I need to stay rooted as a Mother and listen and tend to the needs of my children. Fourth, I need to stay rooted in the moment. I know that for me I can let the voices of my past discourage me. If I think about all that is to come I may panic and step back into fear. Plus, I need to enjoy the present. I need to be thankful for the now because I am not promised a tomorrow.
“I'm planting a tree to teach me to gather strength from my deepest roots.”
― Andrea Koehle Jones, The Wish Trees
Great word sis! I love it. Lots to think about. I know you will be able to do it all. Maybe not perfectly every day, every time - but that's life! You can do this and you've got a great support system. Love you sis!!