Holy Yoga Classes: Donation Based: 6:30PM Every Saturday Night at Vivify Yoga Studio in Rio Rancho

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Your Daily Dose

These last two weeks have been crazy and exhausting. But nobody wants to really hear my whining right? And that's why I blog :) So I can get all my whining out and whether anyone reads it or cares is just a bonus! Moving has been tiring, and because I want to be in my new home I have been building new furniture, setting up my old furniture and starting to decorate parts of the home with items that I love. Little things that make me smile. In my ambition to get the entire house in order, I ended up wearing myself out (I know, I'm so fragile) and I got a cold. The kind of cold that starts in your sinuses and settles in your chest. During the day I wouldn't feel as bad but at night I felt like I was going to cough up a lung. "Esther, you use essential oils. How did you get sick?" I know many of you think this way, but here is the truth. I use my oils on my kids way more than I do on myself. Not that they don't get sick, they do. But essential oils are to help keep you above the wellness line by using them daily and then even more when you do become sick. Anyhow, I realize that when it comes to myself, I decide that I will simply push through because I don't want to "waste" my oils on me. (How foolish right?) Then it got to a point when I came to my senses and said I am going to choke on my own phlegm if I don't start using my oils. I began dropping Thieves into the back of my throat and can I say the numbing feeling felt like a blanket to my torn up throat. I began diffusing lavender, peppermint and lemon. I was rubbing Eucalyptus on my face and chest. I was taking Immunpro every night and Super C. FINALLY, I was feeling better. What took me so long? Why did I wait until I got to the worst point of this cold to finally use what I know works? Because I am DUMB!!!

Then as I sit here, doing my Holy Yoga lessons, I am asked a question. In Matthew 6:6 it says "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." - What is your reward?
Do me a favor and answer that question for yourself. When you come before God in you own time, in your own will, what is your reward? .....................................

Maybe for some of you the answer is simple and it comes quickly, but for me I had to really think about it. "Well the reward is getting to be in the presence of God, to strengthen your relationship, to communicate with Him." But then it hit me. My reward when I come to God and sit at His feet is to be Renewed. Refreshed. Strengthened. HEALED. Like a warm blanket that soothes and covers the soul. Or like Thieves essential oil soothing and healing to your very raw and inflamed throat! LOL And like with my oils, I do not regularly take the time to come to the foot of the cross. I don't have a quiet and secluded place and I don't have a set time that come to Him. But WHY??? Why don't I? I could come up with all sorts of reasons and excuses. "I have 4 kids, I barely can go to the bathroom alone or take a bath without my youngest wanting to jump in." "I am in the middle of moving and organizing and building" or "I'm just so busy." and what happens to us when we don't set a place and time to meet with our Father? We become exhausted and we become sick. He helps us to stay above the wellness line. And when we do fall below that line, we need to really be in His presence. We need His strength, His grace, His love.... We can't keep doing things in our own strength and expect to see a successful outcome without burning ourselves out. You may think you're fine, and that all is going great and you are strong, but I guarantee you, you will burn out. So take the time to find that secluded and quiet place. Take time to come and be refreshed in His presences. Be renewed. Let Him reward you with spiritual health.
Do you have a quiet and secluded place? Do you set a time daily to sit with Jesus? Let me know!

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