Recently I received my Holy Yoga Instructor Certification (whoo-whoo) and the whole reason I wanted to even become an instructor was to encourage and help others to experience Jesus on their mat. I am now teaching 1 class for free at my church on the first thursday of every month. And an answer to prayer, beginning July 9th, Saturdays at 6:30pm I will be having a donation based class at Vivify. Vivify is the studio I have always practiced at. I love the owners and the other instructors there. It feels like home to me so I was extremely happy when they put me on the schedule to lead Holy Yoga classes. I am fervently praying over this class. Praying for the numbers to show, praying for the hearts of each student that comes, and praying that God will use me to be a blessing.
At retreat they gave us a 20% discount code towards a specialty course if we so choose to do one. Well, I didn't really think I would do it because it is money that I don't really have to spend right now, and honestly I didn't think my husband would go for it. But the more I looked at the different courses, the more I wanted to take one. I asked my husband and he was so open to it. Not one negative thought or sigh. It almost brings me to tears to think of how supportive he is. He believes in me so much. Growing up I never asked my mom if I could do anything. Instead if there was something I wanted to do I just did it behind her back or not at all. I always assumed she would just say no. I never gave her the benefit of the doubt. As an adult looking back, I was unfair for thinking that of her. I wouldn't say it was without reason, but it was still unfair. And when it comes to things that cost money, I hesitate to ask my husband. Not because he is strict or tight with our money. But because I don't want it to be a burden to him. But when something is so close to my heart I have to ask. Doesn't the Bible say "we have not because we ask not"?
I'm so thankful for a husband that loves me and supports me. He believes in me more than I believe in myself.
So I signed up to take the Trauma Sensitive course. I have to be honest and say I am a bit scared. I've been through quite a bit and I really hate poking around in my memories and in my heart. I struggle facing my feelings. But one of the most beneficial classes I have ever taken was a trauma sensitive class lead by Christina Garcia. She is the Holy Yoga instructor here in NM that I first came in contact with. She has helped me in so many ways to let go of so much hurt that I was holding on to. She was open and vulnerable. She has inspired me so much and she continues to do so through our friendship.
I think we have all experienced trauma, heartbreak, pain, abandonment, loss, betrayal..... the list goes on. And a lot of the time we just take those hurts and push it way down. We try to ignore it instead of embracing it and letting it go. Do you know anyone with an eating disorder? I can guarantee that there has been trauma in their life. Maybe someone who struggles with commitment, or maybe someone that is always sick, never wants to leave the house, afraid to meet people or be around people? Somewhere along the line we were damaged, pain and fear crept in and settled within us, altering God's original design. I want nothing more than to help people rediscover their courage, strength and heart. To help them come back to the person God created them to be from the beginning.
Esther, I am so excited for you! I know what you mean about not asking. I'm the same way. I know that God will use you in a special way with this. I love you and I'm so proud of you! xo