This week I have to bring snacks for Elliana's kindergarten class. I didn't really prepare so I just decided to make homemade popcorn with coconut oil. I was going to just put them in ziploc baggies and be done with it. Then I started thinking, I wonder if the other kids ever get a note from their parent in their lunch box? So I pulled out my Sharpies and wrote a note on each bag. "You are amazing!" You are so funny!" "You are super duper smart!" " You are fun to be around!" "You are special!" "You are so strong!" "You are totally awesome!"
THEN, I started thinking about when I was a little girl. Did my Mom ever tell me things like "You are so awesome!" "You are so smart!" " You are amazing!" ? I honestly can't recall a single time as a young child when my Mom had lifted me up. That doesn't mean she never told me those things, she just didn't tell me them often enough for me to remember. I do remember one time my dad telling me "You are so observant." and you know what? I prided myself on being "so observant" from then on out. Even on the day of my wedding, my Mom asked my soon to be Husband, " Are you sure you want to marry her? All she knows how to do is sit pretty." Fast forward 14 years later and my Mom told me a few months ago that she thinks I am such a great mom and I have such great kids. Those words are engraved on my heart for forever.
As parents, our words are the MOST IMPORTANT thing in the world to our children (no matter how old they are). So how are you doing? It's easy when things are all pink and rosy but what about when you are at your limit? What about to your husband? Our husbands need us to build them up. If there is anything that I have learned to be true from the Christian College I went to it's that men really do need their ego's stroked. They need to know you appreciate them and all that they do. etc. etc. etc. And guess what? So do YOU. We need to be kind to ourselves, we need to appreciate our body that we have and the amazing things it can do. I birthed 4 beautiful little tiny (actually they weren't so tiny) human beings. I carried them inside of me and then nursed them for over a year. I think sometimes we even underestimate what our body can really accomplish. In Yoga they always say "love yourself so you can love others. Forgive yourself so you can forgive others" God gives me grace every single day. So why not give myself grace? And instead of taking advantage of it why don't we let His grace motivate us to do better the next day. Be a builder. Not a destroyer. If you have a bad day, apologize to those you hurt and do better the next day.
So very true. I struggle sometimes with being intentional with my words. But they are so important. Not just for my husband and my kids but what I'm saying to myself as well. Well said Esther!
ReplyDeleteIt is definitely something that needs constant attention. Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a comment :)
DeleteThank you for posting this! This has really been on my heart lately. It's so convicting. I appreciate your transparency and am thankful that it's never too late to change. Our loved ones already face so much negativity in this world. We need to edify with our words and speak blessings over them. xo
ReplyDeleteIt's really been on my heart too xo
DeleteThank you for sharing this. My mom worked out of home but I never felt neglected... I feel like she was always there because of the many notes everywhere!!! Kisses, random compliments, notes even telling me she left my favorite food in the fridge or telling me where my clean clothes for that day were or just saying "I love you" and always ending with "muah" (kiss sound)... She would also often bring a little something for me if she had some event or dinner from work... A piece of candy or cake or even a pretty napkin and she would always tell me how she thought of me the whole time and couldn't wait to get home... I hope I am half as encouraging as her... Some day! I feel like sometimes being home all the time, while it's a blessing for everyone we can take for granted all the time together and miss great opportunities to say something meaningful and make each moment special... Little notes are way more than just a piece of paper with something scribbled on them!!! Love it!
ReplyDeleteA few years ago, a friend gave us the advice to "speak life" to our children, by speaking blessings, and verbal affirmations. Like you said. It was the best advice I've ever received as a parent, well... In life, period. I lose my temper, sure, but your post, and the advice of our friend help keep us on track. God uses things like this to remind us how we should act. I had an email come to me today that was basically what you're saying here-- obviously I need a good reminder of this! Thank you for being a willing vessel. What a blessing~